Forever vitamins in everyday life

We consume Forever Vitamins on a daily basis, all members of the family, including baby Hanga.
That’s why I thought to bring you a quick summary

Let’s check our daily routine!

7:15 Waking up

Mom, Dad, and baby Hanga wake up at 7:15, unless baby girl decides otherwise ?

Hanga is dressed up, gets a fresh diaper and propolis creme for her butt. This is proven for so many babies among our friends. So soft, so gentle.

For breakfast she eats some fruits, drinks Aloe Berry Nectar, a small portion of Pomesteen, a tablet of Absorbent-C, and one of her favorites: Kids Vitamin. She like Berry very much, she always wants one more round in her little glass.

I also drink Pomesteen and Berry, Dad drinks aloe vera gel, sometimes Peaches.
We both take a Pro-B, ImmuBlend, Daily, Vitolize Men/Vitolize Women, and Arctic Sea.
Most of these are part of the Vital5 pack, for happy healthy everydays.


08:00 Daycare, running/working out

Hanga baby goes to daycare. She loves it sooo much! Playing, singing, dancing all day long. Just perfect.

About 3 times a week I go running, Dad does some workout at home.
Before that, we take 1 or 2 Therm capsules to make these sessions more effective.

In cold weather, I also use Heat Lotion to warm up and Propolis for dry skin.

Pro tip: Lips is the best for the lips in wintertime.

After the workout, we take a shower using the FLP Shampoo and Hand Soap. After a shower we both use – not the same ? – unisex deo. This is brilliant, it smells nice, it doesn’t contain aluminum, and doesn’t clog your pores!


After running and working out, we make our well-deserved protein shakes. It’s based on protein powder, we usually add some random fruits and make it with almond milk, cashew milk, or similar. I also add Supergreens to it, and sometimes we spice it up with honey.

My new favorite protein shake recipe is “Mákos Guba” flavored.
My invention! You can check it here: Poppy seed protein shake – C9 recipe


During the day

If we need some extra energy, we drink Argi (with L-arginine), sometimes FAB X. Tea on winter days.

The Argi+FABx combo is also a secret combo for migraine headaches!

19:30 Bath time

Hanga Baby gets to the bathtub.
We add a little bit of FLP Hand Soap to the water – absolutely baby-friendly. When washing her hair we use the Shampoo because it is also child-friendly, if it gets to her eyes, it doesn’t hurt.

We use these too, I also use Conditioner.
That’s good because you don’t have to bring a different bottle for everyone when we travel.

You can find all these self-care items in the Travel kit, which is great for traveling and airport-compatible!

After bath time, Hanga takes some Arctic Sea and Royal Jelly for a nice and calm sleep.
… and there comes a looong sleep ? hopefully until morning ?

forever-shampoo-balm-soap for child-friendly bathing

We use these Forever vitamins and products on an average day

During cold weather, or if we start to feel that we might have a cold we drink the Herbal Tea and Argi, Propolis tablets, and Aloe First for sore throat, garlic capsules, and honey for respiratory things.
If we get a bruize or red skin, Aloe First and the Gelly are our best friends.

Any questions?
Ask me anything!