We are officially over half of the Clean 9 program! Days are passing by fast, it’s almost over.
Morning workout for both of us. After yesterday’s speed fitness I also did some weight training. This was hard, but if it was easy everyone would do it! 🙂 Zoli had his usual kettlebell class too. Today was a rainy day, which usually bothers me and I’m fractious all day, but not this time. I wasn’t happy about it, but it didn’t bother me at all.
Because I was drinking so much, I reached a new level where I am thirsty when I don’t drink for a while. I’m happy about this, I always had the problem of not drinking enough, I wasn’t thirsty all day. The constant urge to go to the bathroom also adds to the daily workout, the toilet is quite far from my seat. The disadvantage is I can hardly bear the 30 minutes way home. 🙂 I even managed to do an unplanned workout. When I arrived home I realize someone is moving in, and the elevator is full of furniture, so I’m using the stairs to go up to the 6th floor today. This is usually not a problem, I do this often, but I was wearing high heels today (I don’t really know why this happened) and I wanted to take them off already.
I made the dinner quickly: paprika chicken from the chicken breast with fresh peas, pretty good. 🙂 Zoli went to a birthday party, that’s why we couldn’t wait to make it a bit thicker 🙂 Respect for him, quite a challenge to attend a birthday party like this. So I’m alone tonight. Finally, I have some time for reading, planning, thinking… some me-time!
Zoli also wrote down his thoughts:
“This morning on the workout class I already knew based on Wednesday’s class that there will be no problems. 2×20 minutes hardcore workout it was. This is 2 things done in 5-5 repeats for 20 minutes as many rounds as you can, shore break, and another 20 minutes but 2 other movements. (For the curious people: 5 pull-ups + 5 goblet squats with kettlebell and 5 push-ups + 5 double kettlebell swings.) Before we started the second part our trainer said that the girls did 26-28 rounds from this… that meant to me, that I should be happy if I can do over 20. Yes, the girls are hardcore in this class 🙂 I’m not saying I wasn’t destroyed in the end, but I did 30 rounds. 30! Based on this, there is no weakness at all, not like when you are on a starving style diet. I was surprised. Sure the weight loss counts, but more important is losing weight without losing power. One protein shake after the workout to feed the muscles 🙂
At noon I was hungry again, but nothing serious. Shake and two apples during the afternoon as usual, and it’s dinner time. It smells like paprika chicken.”
Did you also notice that he didn’t mention the taste of aloe? 🙂 Right, so you can get used to it, even if you don’t like it at the beginning!
Tomorrow is day 6, we are measuring in the morning! 🙂 There will be just a quick workout, after that we are going to a Honda meetup. There is some leftover from today’s dinner, so we can stay there late, we don’t have to cook.
Oh, almost forgot, I had to change my clothes this morning because the blouse I was trying on first was too loose 😀